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tocar en un auditorio

English translation of tocar en un auditorio

play in an auditorium

The Spanish term 'tocar en un auditorio' translates to 'play in an auditorium' in English. This phrase may refer to performing music or acting in a play within an auditorium, a large venue often used for performances. The verb 'tocar' can mean to touch, play an instrument, or play a game depending on the context. When combined with 'en un auditorio', it is typically assumed to mean performing some sort of public presentation or show. Thus, 'tocar en un auditorio' encompasses both the act of the performance and the setting where it takes place.

Example sentences using: tocar en un auditorio

Mañana vamos a tocar en un auditorio cerca de la Plaza Mayor.

English translation of Mañana vamos a tocar en un auditorio cerca de la Plaza Mayor.

Tomorrow we are going to play in an auditorium near Plaza Mayor.

In this sentence, 'tocar en un auditorio' is used to explain a future event where the speaker and their group are going to perform in an auditorium. 'Cerca de la Plaza Mayor' specifies the location of the auditorium, which is near a landmark or specific location known as 'Plaza Mayor'.

Sueño con tocar en un auditorio lleno de gente.

English translation of Sueño con tocar en un auditorio lleno de gente.

I dream of playing in an auditorium full of people.

In this example, 'tocar en un auditorio' is part of a larger wish or dream expressed by the speaker. The phrase 'lleno de gente' indicates the desire for the auditorium to be full of an audience when the speaker performs.

Tienes que ensayar mucho para tocar en un auditorio.

English translation of Tienes que ensayar mucho para tocar en un auditorio.

You have to rehearse a lot to play in an auditorium.

This sentence uses 'tocar en un auditorio' to indicate the end goal of rehearsing. It implies that playing in an auditorium requires significant preparation, hence 'tienes que ensayar mucho.'

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