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tocar el claxon

English translation of tocar el claxon

touch the horn

The Spanish phrase 'tocar el claxon' translates to 'touch the horn' in English. Generally, this phrase is used to mean honking the horn of a vehicle. It is a verb phrase that can be used in a variety of contexts, often when someone wants to call attention or signal in traffic by using the vehicle's horn.

Example sentences using: tocar el claxon

Es maleducado tocar el claxon sin razón.

English translation of Es maleducado tocar el claxon sin razón.

It's rude to honk the horn for no reason.

This sentence highlights a cultural norm, where it's considered rude to use the vehicle's horn without a valid reason. The phrase 'tocar el claxon' is used as part of the main action and not as a suffix.

Si ves un peligro en la carretera, no dudes en tocar el claxon.

English translation of Si ves un peligro en la carretera, no dudes en tocar el claxon.

If you see danger on the road, don't hesitate to honk the horn.

In this sentence, the use of 'tocar el claxon' is advised as a reaction to a dangerous situation one might encounter while driving. This encourages proactivity and quick decision-making.

Ten cuidado al tocar el claxon, no querrás asustar a los peatones.

English translation of Ten cuidado al tocar el claxon, no querrás asustar a los peatones.

Be careful when honking the horn; you wouldn't want to scare pedestrians.

This sentence suggests a cautious approach towards the use of 'tocar el claxon'. It emphasizes the idea of care and consideration for others, in this case, pedestrians.

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