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English translation of tirita


The Spanish word 'tirita' translates to 'bandaid' in English. This word describes a small piece of sticky tape or adhesive bandage used for covering and protecting small wounds or abrasions on the skin. The term 'tirita' is commonly used in Spain and Latin American countries. Remember, as is the case with many words, there may exist regional differences in usage.

Example sentences using: tirita

Necesito una tirita para este rasguño.

English translation of Necesito una tirita para este rasguño.

I need a band-aid for this scratch.

In this sample sentence, 'tirita' is employed to indicate a band-aid that is needed for a scratch. This aids in understanding the practical application of 'tirita' in a scenario of minor injury.

La tirita no se pega adecuadamente.

English translation of La tirita no se pega adecuadamente.

The band-aid does not stick properly.

This example illustrates the need of a 'tirita' or band-aid to stick correctly. This aids in comprehending that 'tirita' can be utilized to talk about issues or qualities related to a band-aid.

Él pone una tirita en su dedo.

English translation of Él pone una tirita en su dedo.

He puts a band-aid on his finger.

This sentence is demonstrating the use of the word 'tirita' within a simple everyday context. The word 'tirita' is being used to refer to a band-aid that the person is applying onto his finger.

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