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tirar el dinero

English translation of tirar el dinero

throw away the money

The phrase 'tirar el dinero' in Spanish figurative sense signifies to squander or waste money. It is commonly used in contexts where someone is perceived to be spending money recklessly or without careful thought. In a literal sense, this phrase can be translated as 'throw away the money' in English, but it is important to understand its frequently used figurative connotation.

Example sentences using: tirar el dinero

Vamos a tirar el dinero si compramos esa casa.

English translation of Vamos a tirar el dinero si compramos esa casa.

We are going to waste money if we buy that house.

In this sentence, the expression 'tirar el dinero' is used to convey the idea of wasting money on an unwise purchase, in this case, a house.

No quiero tirar el dinero en un coche tan caro.

English translation of No quiero tirar el dinero en un coche tan caro.

I don't want to throw away money on such an expensive car.

Here, 'tirar el dinero' is applied to signify the action of spending or using money in a reckless or careless manner, specifically on an expensive car.

Tirar el dinero en juegos de azar no es una buena idea.

English translation of Tirar el dinero en juegos de azar no es una buena idea.

Wasting money on gambling is not a good idea.

In this example, 'tirar el dinero' is used to demonstrate the concept of squandering money, particularly on gambling, which is usually seen as a risky or poor financial decision.

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