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tipo de interés variable

English translation of tipo de interés variable

variable interest rate

The Spanish term 'tipo de interés variable' translates to 'variable interest rate' in English. It is a financial term often used in banking and for loans or mortgages. It refers to an interest rate that may change over time according to changes in benchmark interest rates, rather than remaining fixed.

Example sentences using: tipo de interés variable

El banco propone un préstamo con un tipo de interés variable.

English translation of El banco propone un préstamo con un tipo de interés variable.

The bank proposes a loan with a variable interest rate.

This sentence uses the term 'tipo de interés variable' to express the concept of a fluctuating interest rate on a loan proposed by a bank.

Los expertos financieros sugieren evitar el tipo de interés variable en los préstamos hipotecarios.

English translation of Los expertos financieros sugieren evitar el tipo de interés variable en los préstamos hipotecarios.

Financial experts suggest avoiding variable interest rates on mortgage loans.

This sentence uses the term 'tipo de interés variable' to indicate a potentially volatile interest rate scenario that financial experts advice to avoid in the context of mortgage loans.

Mucha gente desconoce que el tipo de interés variable puede aumentar o disminuir durante la vida del préstamo.

English translation of Mucha gente desconoce que el tipo de interés variable puede aumentar o disminuir durante la vida del préstamo.

Many people do not know that the variable interest rate can increase or decrease over the life of the loan.

This sentence uses the term 'tipo de interés variable' to convey the dynamic nature of a variable interest rate that can either increase or decrease during the loan tenure, which many people might be unaware of.

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