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tiempo invernal

English translation of tiempo invernal

winter time

The word 'tiempo invernal' in Spanish translates to 'winter time' in English. It is a combination of two words - 'tiempo' which means 'time' and 'invernal' which means 'wintry' or 'winter'. This term is commonly used to describe the weather conditions or the period of the year when it is cold, typically characterized by snow and freezing temperatures. This season comes after autumn and before spring, and is often associated with holidays, coziness, and the spirit of giving in many cultures.

Example sentences using: tiempo invernal

El tiempo invernal hace que las carreteras sean resbaladizas.

English translation of El tiempo invernal hace que las carreteras sean resbaladizas.

The winter weather makes the roads slippery.

This sentence is commenting on how winter weather conditions, such as snow and ice, can cause the roads to become slippery.

El viento cortante es característico del tiempo invernal.

English translation of El viento cortante es característico del tiempo invernal.

The biting wind is characteristic of winter weather.

This sentence refers to the cold wind common during winter season as a distinctive feature of the winter weather.

Durante el tiempo invernal, uso capas de ropa para mantenerme caliente.

English translation of Durante el tiempo invernal, uso capas de ropa para mantenerme caliente.

During the winter weather, I wear layers of clothing to keep me warm.

This sentence talks about one way to combat the cold during winter, which is by wearing multiple layers of clothing.

Es difícil trabajar al aire libre durante el tiempo invernal.

English translation of Es difícil trabajar al aire libre durante el tiempo invernal.

It's hard to work outside during the winter weather.

This sentence talks about the challenges of working outside during winter due to extreme weather conditions like snow and cold temperature.

El tiempo invernal puede causar retrasos en los vuelos.

English translation of El tiempo invernal puede causar retrasos en los vuelos.

Winter weather can cause flight delays.

This sentence highlights the disruptions that severe winter weather can have on air traffic, such as causing flight delays.

El tiempo invernal nos lleva a pasar más tiempo en casa.

English translation of El tiempo invernal nos lleva a pasar más tiempo en casa.

Winter weather leads us to spend more time at home.

This sentence implies that during winter, people tend to stay indoors due to the harsh weather conditions outside.

El tiempo invernal hace que los animales hibernen.

English translation of El tiempo invernal hace que los animales hibernen.

Winter weather makes the animals hibernate.

This sentence points out that winter weather conditions, such as cold temperatures and snow, can cause some animals to hibernate.

El tiempo invernal es perfecto para tomar chocolate caliente.

English translation of El tiempo invernal es perfecto para tomar chocolate caliente.

Winter weather is perfect for having hot chocolate.

This sentence indicates that during the cold winter weather, drinking a warm beverage like hot chocolate can help to ward off the chill.

Hacer un muñeco de nieve es una actividad común durante el tiempo invernal.

English translation of Hacer un muñeco de nieve es una actividad común durante el tiempo invernal.

Making a snowman is a common activity during winter weather.

This sentence talks about a popular outdoor activity during winter, which is building a snowman.

El tiempo invernal puede ser peligroso para las personas mayores.

English translation of El tiempo invernal puede ser peligroso para las personas mayores.

Winter weather can be dangerous for the elderly.

This sentence explains that severe winter conditions might present risks to the elderly, including falls due to icy surfaces.

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