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tesoro público

English translation of tesoro público

public treasury

'Tesoro público' is a Spanish term that literally translates to 'public treasure' in English. However, in a more functional context, it refers to the financial assets or economic resources belonging to the government, managed and used in public spending. This concept is equivalent to the public finance or public treasury in English-speaking countries. It involves the collection of taxes, the management of public spending and the government's budget in general.

Example sentences using: tesoro público

El Tesoro Público emite bonos para financiar el déficit.

English translation of El Tesoro Público emite bonos para financiar el déficit.

The Public Treasury issues bonds to finance the deficit.

In this statement, 'Tesoro Público' is associated with the issuance of bonds, a common practice aimed at raising funds to finance the country's budget deficit.

El Tesoro Público es el encargado de gestionar la deuda pública.

English translation of El Tesoro Público es el encargado de gestionar la deuda pública.

The Treasury Department is responsible for managing public debt.

In this sentence, 'Tesoro Público' refers to a government department responsible for managing the financial affairs of a country, particularly related to its public debt.

El Tesoro Público regula la política fiscal del país.

English translation of El Tesoro Público regula la política fiscal del país.

The Public Treasury regulates the country's fiscal policy.

Here, 'Tesoro Público' is in relation with the regulation of fiscal policy, denoting its role in defining guidelines related to government revenue, spending, and debt management.

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