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English translation of territorial

territorial territory

The word 'territorial' in Spanish essentially contains the same meaning as its English counterpart. It pertains to the ownership, control or jurisdiction over an area or land. It is used to describe something, often a nation's political power or an animal's behavior, that relates to a specific territory or area. A nation might be territorial in the sense that it vigorously defends its physical borders, and an animal might be territorial in the sense that it marks and defends a specific area against other animals.

Example sentences using: territorial

El gato se comporta de manera territorial cuando otros gatos entran en su espacio.

English translation of El gato se comporta de manera territorial cuando otros gatos entran en su espacio.

The cat behaves territorially when other cats enter its space.

The sentence describes how a cat demonstrates territorial behavior, essentially when other cats intrude its personal area.

El lobo es un animal territorial que marca su territorio con su orina.

English translation of El lobo es un animal territorial que marca su territorio con su orina.

The wolf is a territorial animal that marks its territory with its urine.

The sentence is about how wolves, being territorial animals, use their urine to mark their territory. This is a common behavior among many animal species to signal that a certain area is their own.

La disputa territorial entre estos dos países lleva décadas.

English translation of La disputa territorial entre estos dos países lleva décadas.

The territorial dispute between these two countries has lasted for decades.

This sentence is referring to an ongoing dispute between two countries. The dispute is related to territorial issues, meaning there is a disagreement about the ownership or control of a certain area.

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