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terreno fértil

English translation of terreno fértil

fertile land

The Spanish phrase 'terreno fértil' translates in English to 'fertile land.' This is a term often used in farming, agriculture, and gardening to refer to land or soil that is highly suitable for growing plants and crops. Fertile land contains the necessary nutrients and conditions to promote healthy plant growth and high crop yields. The term 'fertile' implies richness and productivity in the context of the earth or soil, while 'terreno' simply refers to a piece of land or territory.

Example sentences using: terreno fértil

Nos trasladamos al terreno fértil para cultivar nuestros cultivos.

English translation of Nos trasladamos al terreno fértil para cultivar nuestros cultivos.

We moved to the fertile land to cultivate our crops.

This example sentence highlights the use of 'terreno fértil' in a context of relocation for agricultural purposes. It implies moving to a place with fertile soil with the aim of growing crops.

El valle es conocido por su terreno fértil, ideal para el cultivo de vino.

English translation of El valle es conocido por su terreno fértil, ideal para el cultivo de vino.

The valley is known for its fertile ground, ideal for wine cultivation.

In this example, 'terreno fértil' is used to describe a valley's soil which is highly suitable for wine cultivation. It emphasizes the productivity of the soil, which is an essential factor for wine making.

El terreno fértil a lo largo del río es excelente para cultivar maíz.

English translation of El terreno fértil a lo largo del río es excelente para cultivar maíz.

The fertile land along the river is excellent for corn cultivation.

This example shows 'terreno fértil' associated with a geographical feature (a river, in this case). It implies that the fertile soil by the river provides an ideal environment for cultivating crops, specifically corn in this context.

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