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terreno estéril

English translation of terreno estéril

sterile land

The Spanish phrase 'terreno estéril' can be translated into English as 'sterile land'. In a biological or agricultural context, this can refer to a patch of land that is unproductive and incapable of sustaining or fostering the growth of crop plants or other plant life. 'Terreno' in Spanish translates to 'land' or 'terrain', whilst 'estéril' translates to 'sterile', a term generally used to describe something that is unproductive or barren. Thus, the two words together, 'terreno estéril', create a phrase that signifies an inhospitable, non-fertile space of land that cannot be used for productive plant growth or farming activities.

Example sentences using: terreno estéril

El granjero no puede cultivar sus cultivos en el terreno estéril.

English translation of El granjero no puede cultivar sus cultivos en el terreno estéril.

The farmer can not grow his crops on the barren land.

This sentence is indicating that the farmer can't use the barren land to grow his crops because the soil is unproductive.

El terreno estéril de la región desértica dificulta el asentamiento humano.

English translation of El terreno estéril de la región desértica dificulta el asentamiento humano.

The barren land of the desert region hinders human settlement.

This sentence points out that because the desert region has barren land, it's difficult for the human being to live there.

A causa del terreno estéril, los colonos tuvieron que abandonar la aldea.

English translation of A causa del terreno estéril, los colonos tuvieron que abandonar la aldea.

Because of the barren land, the settlers had to abandon the village.

This phrase says that due to the presence of barren land, the settlers were unable to continue living in the village and had to leave.

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