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English translation of terminar


The Spanish word 'terminar' is directly translated to 'finish' in English. It is used to refer to the conclusion or end of an event,thing or activity. For instance, 'terminar una tarea' means to finish a task. Just like in English, it can also be used in the continuous tense, for example 'estoy terminando el trabajo' indicating 'I am finishing the work'.

Similar words:

Example sentences using: terminar

Voy a terminar mi tarea.

English translation of Voy a terminar mi tarea.

I'm going to finish my homework.

This sentence uses 'voy a terminar', which is the future tense of the verb 'terminar', followed by the object 'mi tarea' (my homework). This phrase indicates that the speaker is going to finish their homework.

¿Puedes terminar pronto?

English translation of ¿Puedes terminar pronto?

Can you finish soon?

This phrase uses the verb 'terminar' along with the adjective 'pronto' (soon), forming a question about whether someone can finish something soon.

Ella decidió terminar la relación.

English translation of Ella decidió terminar la relación.

She decided to end the relationship.

'Ella decidió terminar' translates to 'she decided to end', followed by 'la relación' (the relationship). Here, 'terminar' is used in the sense of 'to end'.

Vamos a terminar de comer antes de salir.

English translation of Vamos a terminar de comer antes de salir.

Let's finish eating before leaving.

'Vamos a terminar de comer' translates to 'let's finish eating', the compound 'antes de salir' (before leaving) completes the sentence. This sentence implies completing an action (eating) before doing another (leaving).

No puedo terminar este libro, es demasiado aburrido.

English translation of No puedo terminar este libro, es demasiado aburrido.

I can't finish this book, it's too boring.

In this sentence, 'No puedo terminar' means 'I can't finish', followed by 'este libro' (this book). The phrase 'es demasiado aburrido' (it's too boring) gives the reason for not being able to finish the book.

Debo terminar este proyecto antes del viernes.

English translation of Debo terminar este proyecto antes del viernes.

I must finish this project before Friday.

'Debo terminar' translates to 'I must finish', followed by 'este proyecto' (this project). The deadline for the action is indicated by 'antes del viernes' (before Friday).

Después de mucho trabajo, finalmente pude terminar la casa.

English translation of Después de mucho trabajo, finalmente pude terminar la casa.

After a lot of work, I was finally able to finish the house.

The sentence begins with 'Después de mucho trabajo,' meaning 'after a lot of work,' and continues with 'finalmente pude terminar', which translates to 'I was finally able to finish'. 'La casa' (the house) is what was finished.

Javier terminó su carrera con honores.

English translation of Javier terminó su carrera con honores.

Javier finished his degree with honours.

The phrase 'Javier terminó su carrera con honores', meaning 'Javier finished his degree with honours', demonstrates using 'terminar' in the context of completing an academic degree.

¿Ya terminaste de limpiar tu habitación?

English translation of ¿Ya terminaste de limpiar tu habitación?

Have you finished cleaning your room yet?

This sentence uses 'terminaste' (you finished) followed by 'de limpiar tu habitación' (cleaning your room). The use of 'Ya' at the beginning of the question indicates 'yet' or 'already' in English.

Necesito terminar este informe para la reunión de mañana.

English translation of Necesito terminar este informe para la reunión de mañana.

I need to finish this report for tomorrow's meeting.

In this sentence, 'Necesito terminar' means 'I need to finish', followed by 'este informe' (this report). 'Para la reunión de mañana' (for tomorrow's meeting) indicates the purpose for completing the report.

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