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English translation of terapia


The Spanish word 'terapia' translates to 'therapy' in English. The term 'therapy' derives from the Greek word 'therapeia' meaning 'healing' or 'curing'. In a broad sense, therapy refers to an attempt to remedy a health problem, usually following a diagnosis. In the context of psychology, therapy refers to techniques aimed at improving mental health, emotional well-being and life skills. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychotherapy, and many others, all of which are also represented by the term 'terapia' in Spanish.

Example sentences using: terapia

Necesito ir a la terapia mañana.

English translation of Necesito ir a la terapia mañana.

I need to go to therapy tomorrow.

In this sentence, 'terapia' is used in the context of mental or physical healing sessions that an individual might need to attend. The speaker is expressing a necessity to attend therapy the next day.

La terapia de pareja puede ser útil para resolver conflictos matrimoniales.

English translation of La terapia de pareja puede ser útil para resolver conflictos matrimoniales.

Couples therapy can be helpful in resolving marital conflicts.

In this example, 'terapia' is combined with 'de pareja' to express a type of therapy specifically designed to help couples. The speaker suggests that this particular form of therapy might be beneficial in solving problems between married partners.

La terapia física ayuda a recuperar el movimiento después de una lesión.

English translation of La terapia física ayuda a recuperar el movimiento después de una lesión.

Physical therapy helps regain movement after an injury.

The term 'terapia' is used here in conjunction with 'física' to denote a particular branch of therapy aimed at helping patients recover mobility after suffering an injury. The speaker communicates the effectivity of this kind of therapy in regaining movement after an incident.

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