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English translation of terapéutico

therapeutic therapy

The Spanish word 'terapéutico' is translated to English as 'therapeutic'. This adjective is often used in contexts relating to treatment or therapy designed to heal or alleviate symptoms of illness or injury. In general, 'terapéutico' pertains to the process of treating a physical or mental disorder, usually through various medical or psychological methods. It's a commonly used term in the fields of medicine, psychology, and healthcare.

Example sentences using: terapéutico

El aceite esencial de lavanda tiene un efecto terapéutico.

English translation of El aceite esencial de lavanda tiene un efecto terapéutico.

Lavender essential oil has a therapeutic effect.

This sentence explains the beneficial or healing property of lavender essential oil, referring it as therapeutic.

El yoga se considera un ejercicio terapéutico.

English translation of El yoga se considera un ejercicio terapéutico.

Yoga is considered a therapeutic exercise.

This sentence talks about the health benefits of doing yoga, referring to it as a type of therapeutic exercise.

Esta crema tiene un uso terapéutico para la piel.

English translation of Esta crema tiene un uso terapéutico para la piel.

This cream has a therapeutic use for the skin.

This sentence refers to a cream that is used for healing or improving the condition of the skin and is referred to as having a therapeutic use.

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