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English translation of teoría


The word 'teoría' in Spanish is equivalent to 'theory' in English. It is a noun which refers to a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. 'Teoría' can be used in a similar way in Spanish – to talk about scientific, philosophical principles, or to make assumptions in a discussion.

Example sentences using: teoría

Esta es solo una teoría.

English translation of Esta es solo una teoría.

This is just a theory.

This sentence implies that whatever is being discussed or proposed is not confirmed or proven. It indicates that it is open for further discussion or analysis.

La teoría es diferente a la práctica.

English translation of La teoría es diferente a la práctica.

The theory is different from practice.

This phrase is used to underline that what one anticipates or plans based on a theory might differ significantly from the outcome when put into actual practice.

La teoría de la gravedad fue formulada por Newton.

English translation of La teoría de la gravedad fue formulada por Newton.

The theory of gravity was formulated by Newton.

This sentence suggests that Newton was the one who came up with the concept or theory of gravity.

Necesito estudiar la teoría antes del examen.

English translation of Necesito estudiar la teoría antes del examen.

I need to study the theory before the exam.

This is a simple sentence that suggests the speaker is referring to studying and understanding concepts or theories to prepare for an upcoming exam.

Aún es una teoría, no es un hecho.

English translation of Aún es una teoría, no es un hecho.

It's still a theory, not a fact.

This phrase is typically used to point out that the information mentioned is not yet verified or accepted as a certainty.

La teoría evolutiva es ampliamente aceptada por la comunidad científica.

English translation of La teoría evolutiva es ampliamente aceptada por la comunidad científica.

The evolutionary theory is widely accepted by the scientific community.

This sentence means that the concept of evolution is recognized and supported by a majority of scientists.

Mi teoría es que él está mintiendo.

English translation of Mi teoría es que él está mintiendo.

My theory is that he's lying.

This is a casual way to express an unproven belief or suspicion about someone else's actions.

La teoría del Big Bang explica el origen del universo.

English translation of La teoría del Big Bang explica el origen del universo.

The Big Bang theory explains the origin of the universe.

In this sentence, it is referring to the Big Bang Theory, which is a scientific hypothesis about how the universe started and then made the stars and galaxies we see today.

Estudiaremos la teoría de los números en matemáticas.

English translation of Estudiaremos la teoría de los números en matemáticas.

We will study number theory in mathematics.

It suggests that the speaker is going to study 'number theory', a branch of pure mathematics devoted primarily to the study of integers and integer-valued functions.

Según la teoría de la relatividad, nada puede viajar más rápido que la luz.

English translation of Según la teoría de la relatividad, nada puede viajar más rápido que la luz.

According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light.

This phrase is referencing Einstein's theory of relativity, which dictates that the speed of light in a vacuum is the maximum speed at which information and matter can travel.

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