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tener una voz grave

English translation of tener una voz grave

having a serious voice

The phrase 'tener una voz grave' in Spanish translates to 'having a serious voice' in English. It is often used to describe someone's voice that is deep, rich, and possibly commanding. This phrase is not typically used to denote seriousness in the sense of gravity or solemnity. Instead, it is more about the depth or resonance of the voice which might be seen as serious because it can come across as authoritative or mature. Learning common phrases such as this one can help in understanding conversational Spanish, as it adds nuance to the dialogue.

Example sentences using: tener una voz grave

Desde niño, él suele tener una voz grave.

English translation of Desde niño, él suele tener una voz grave.

Since he was a boy, he usually has a deep voice.

This sentence implies that the person in question has always had a deep voice, even as a child.

Si quieres asustar a alguien, puedes fingir tener una voz grave.

English translation of Si quieres asustar a alguien, puedes fingir tener una voz grave.

If you want to scare someone, you can pretend to have a deep voice.

This phrase suggests that deep voices can be used to create an intimidating or scary effect and that one can modify or lower their voice to achieve this.

Nos sorprendimos al descubrir que la cantante femenina puede tener una voz grave.

English translation of Nos sorprendimos al descubrir que la cantante femenina puede tener una voz grave.

We were surprised to discover that the female singer can have a deep voice.

This sentence emphasizes a surprise reaction upon finding out that a female singer is capable of producing a deep voice, which is typically associated with males.

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