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tener una salud de hierro

English translation of tener una salud de hierro

have an iron health

The phrase 'tener una salud de hierro' in Spanish literally translates to 'have an iron health' in English. This phrase is used to describe a person who has very good health and rarely gets sick, much like iron which is a strong and durable metal. It is often used to commend and describe individuals who have strong immunity or remarkable physical health.

Example sentences using: tener una salud de hierro

A pesar de su edad avanzada, mi abuelo parece tener una salud de hierro.

English translation of A pesar de su edad avanzada, mi abuelo parece tener una salud de hierro.

Despite his advanced age, my grandfather seems to have a health of iron.

This sentence expresses admiration for the impressive health of the speaker's grandfather, despite being old. 'Tener una salud de hierro' is often used to describe someone who rarely gets sick or someone who remains in good health despite adverse conditions.

Para tener una salud de hierro, debes comer bien y hacer ejercicio regularmente.

English translation of Para tener una salud de hierro, debes comer bien y hacer ejercicio regularmente.

To have a health of iron, you must eat well and exercise regularly.

This sentence advises somebody on maintaining their health. By using 'Tener una salud de hierro', the speaker encourages the recipient of the advice to aim for exceptional health through eating well and regular exercise.

María siempre dijo que tener una salud de hierro le permitía viajar por el mundo sin preocupaciones.

English translation of María siempre dijo que tener una salud de hierro le permitía viajar por el mundo sin preocupaciones.

Maria always said that having a health of iron allowed her to travel the world without worries.

This sentence states the speaker's belief that Maria's good health - referred to here as 'Tener una salud de hierro'- allows her the freedom to travel without worrying about becoming ill. This suggests that Maria rarely gets sick and is in good overall health.

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