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tener una enfermedad

English translation of tener una enfermedad

having a disease

The Spanish phrase 'tener una enfermedad' can be translated into English as 'having a disease'. This phrase is often used in a medical context or when discussing health. The verb 'tener' means 'to have' and 'una enfermedad' means 'a disease'. Therefore, when combined the phrase essentially means being in the state of possessing a health condition or disease.

Example sentences using: tener una enfermedad

Es importante ir al médico si crees que puedes tener una enfermedad.

English translation of Es importante ir al médico si crees que puedes tener una enfermedad.

It's important to go to the doctor if you think you might have a disease.

In this sentence, the phrase 'tener una enfermedad' is used to express the possibility of having a disease. The phrase literally translates to 'have a disease'. The subject (you) is not explicit, thus this could be any person in this situation. In situations where there is a suspicion or uncertainty, it's important to seek medical advice.

Ayer, mi hermano le dijo a mi madre que él podría tener una enfermedad.

English translation of Ayer, mi hermano le dijo a mi madre que él podría tener una enfermedad.

Yesterday, my brother told my mother that he might have a disease.

In this example, the phrase 'tener una enfermedad' is used conceptually to convey having symptoms that coincide with an unknown disease. The speaker's brother is expressing his own perception of his health status. The past form of the verb 'tell' demonstrates that this event or conversation happened in the past.

Mi mejor amigo está triste porque cree que su perro puede tener una enfermedad.

English translation of Mi mejor amigo está triste porque cree que su perro puede tener una enfermedad.

My best friend is sad because he thinks that his dog might have a disease.

This sentence demonstrates the usage of 'tener una enfermedad' when expressing concern about a pet's health. 'Puede' indicates the probability or possibility. The sentence informs the listener that the speaker's friend is feeling sad due to a perceived negative health condition of his beloved pet.

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