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tener una confianza ciega

English translation of tener una confianza ciega

having blind confidence

The Spanish phrase 'tener una confianza ciega' translates to 'having blind confidence' in English. It implies having such a strong trust in someone or something that you don't even feel the need question or doubt. This phrase is usually used to describe the undeniable faith or trust in someone or something. It's important to note that, while this might sound positive at first, the 'blind' part of 'blind confidence' often carries a risky or negative connotation because it suggests the absence of critical thinking or judgement.

Example sentences using: tener una confianza ciega


English translation of None

Sometimes, it's necessary to have blind trust in fate.

This phrase implies that there are occasions when you need to rely solely on fate, without question or doubt.

Mi hermano siempre dice que debemos tener una confianza ciega en nuestras habilidades.

English translation of Mi hermano siempre dice que debemos tener una confianza ciega en nuestras habilidades.

My brother always says that we should have blind trust in our abilities.

This phrase means that my brother consistently emphasizes the importance of completely trusting in our own skills.

Para tener una confianza ciega, necesitas superar tus miedos e inseguridades.

English translation of Para tener una confianza ciega, necesitas superar tus miedos e inseguridades.

To have blind trust, you need to overcome your fears and insecurities.

This phrase means that in order to develop this level of trust, you must first tackle your existing fears and insecurities.

En este negocio, es importante tener una confianza ciega en tu equipo.

English translation of En este negocio, es importante tener una confianza ciega en tu equipo.

In this business, it's important to have blind trust in your team.

This phrase emphasizes the necessity of completely trusting your team in the context of business.

El golfista tuvo que tener una confianza ciega en su golpe para ganar el torneo.

English translation of El golfista tuvo que tener una confianza ciega en su golpe para ganar el torneo.

The golfer had to have blind trust in his shot to win the tournament.

This phrase is saying that in order for the golfer to win the tournament, he had to completely trust in his swing or stroke.

Ella tendrá que tener una confianza ciega en su instinto maternal al cuidar su recién nacido.

English translation of Ella tendrá que tener una confianza ciega en su instinto maternal al cuidar su recién nacido.

She will have to have blind trust in her maternal instinct when taking care of her newborn.

The sentence suggests that the mother needs to fully trust her own instinct to properly care for her newborn child.

Tuvieron que tener una confianza ciega en su líder para alcanzar sus metas.

English translation of Tuvieron que tener una confianza ciega en su líder para alcanzar sus metas.

They had to have blind trust in their leader in order to achieve their goals.

The phrase implies that in order to meet their objectives, the group had to wholly trust in their leader.

Voy a tener una confianza ciega en mi estrategia de negocios este año.

English translation of Voy a tener una confianza ciega en mi estrategia de negocios este año.

I'm going to have blind trust in my business strategy this year.

This phrase means that the speaker will completely trust in their business strategy for the current year.

Debe tener una confianza ciega en su capacidad para resolver problemas.

English translation of Debe tener una confianza ciega en su capacidad para resolver problemas.

You should have blind trust in your problem-solving ability.

The sentence is advising the listener to have absolute confidence in their capacity to solve problems.

Los inversionistas necesitan tener una confianza ciega en sus decisiones financieras.

English translation of Los inversionistas necesitan tener una confianza ciega en sus decisiones financieras.

Investors need to have blind trust in their financial decisions.

This phrase suggests that investors need to have complete confidence in their financial choices, despite any potential risks involved.

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