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tener una actitud injusto

English translation of tener una actitud injusto

to have an unfair attitude

The Spanish phrase 'tener una actitud injusto' translates to 'to have an unfair attitude' in English. This phrase is generally used when referring to someone whose disposition or behavior seems unreasonable or biased. It's important to note that the word 'injusto' changes according to the gender and quantity of the persons involved. For example, if you're speaking about an unfair attitude of a woman it would be 'injusta'. Likewise, 'injustos' or 'injustas' will be used for plural subjects.

Example sentences using: tener una actitud injusto

No debes tener una actitud injusta en casa.

English translation of No debes tener una actitud injusta en casa.

You should not have an unfair attitude at home.

This sentence is used to confront somebody about their poor behavior towards others in a home setting.

Estoy cansado de ver cómo algunas personas pueden tener una actitud injusta.

English translation of Estoy cansado de ver cómo algunas personas pueden tener una actitud injusta.

I am tired of seeing how some people can have an unfair attitude.

This phrase expresses frustration over the unfair attitude displayed by others.

Es importante recordar no tener una actitud injusta hacia los demás.

English translation of Es importante recordar no tener una actitud injusta hacia los demás.

It is important to remember not to have an unfair attitude towards others.

This sentence is a reminder of the importance of treating others fairly.

Trabajo duro para no tener una actitud injusta conmigo mismo.

English translation of Trabajo duro para no tener una actitud injusta conmigo mismo.

I work hard so I don't have an unfair attitude towards myself.

This phrase expresses the speaker's efforts to be fair to themselves.

Si quieres ser un buen líder, debes evitar tener una actitud injusta.

English translation of Si quieres ser un buen líder, debes evitar tener una actitud injusta.

If you want to be a good leader, you should avoid having an unfair attitude.

This sentence gives advice on being a good leader.

Pedro ha decidido no tener una actitud injusta en la escuela.

English translation of Pedro ha decidido no tener una actitud injusta en la escuela.

Pedro has decided not to have an unfair attitude at school.

This sentence is about a person named Pedro making a decision to be fair at school.

Al tener una actitud injusta, puedes dañar a otros sin darte cuenta.

English translation of Al tener una actitud injusta, puedes dañar a otros sin darte cuenta.

By having an unfair attitude, you can hurt others without realizing it.

This phrase warns about the possible consequences of having an unfair attitude.

Tener una actitud injusta solo te llevará a perder amistades.

English translation of Tener una actitud injusta solo te llevará a perder amistades.

Having an unfair attitude will only lead you to lose friendships.

This sentence emphasizes the negative effects an unfair attitude can have on friendships.

Incluso las personas más amables pueden tener una actitud injusta a veces

English translation of Incluso las personas más amables pueden tener una actitud injusta a veces

Even the kindest people can sometimes have an unfair attitude

This sentence expresses the idea that everyone, even kind people, can sometimes be unfair.

Los padres deben enseñar a sus hijos a no tener una actitud injusta.

English translation of Los padres deben enseñar a sus hijos a no tener una actitud injusta.

Parents should teach their children not to have an unfair attitude.

This phrase suggests that parents have a role in teaching their children fairness.

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