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tener una actitud adecuado

English translation of tener una actitud adecuado

having an appropriate attitude

The Spanish phrase 'tener una actitud adecuado' translates to 'having an appropriate attitude' in English. You would use this phrase when speaking about ones disposition or demeanor in a given situation. It suggests the kind of behavior, approach, or response that is considered suitable or proper in that context. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as social, professional, or personal situations where an individual's attitude plays a crucial role.

Example sentences using: tener una actitud adecuado

Para tener éxito en la vida, debemos tener una actitud adecuada.

English translation of Para tener éxito en la vida, debemos tener una actitud adecuada.

To succeed in life, we must have an appropriate attitude.

This phrase means that a positive and suitable attitude is essential for achieving life success.

A pesar de las dificultades, logró tener una actitud adecuada.

English translation of A pesar de las dificultades, logró tener una actitud adecuada.

Despite the difficulties, he managed to have an appropriate attitude.

This sentence implies that despite facing hardships, the individual remained positive and maintained a good attitude.

En el trabajo, es esencial tener una actitud adecuada.

English translation of En el trabajo, es esencial tener una actitud adecuada.

At work, it's essential to have an appropriate attitude.

This sentence reflects the importance of possessing the right attitude in a professional context.

Para superar obstáculos, debes tener una actitud adecuada.

English translation of Para superar obstáculos, debes tener una actitud adecuada.

To overcome obstacles, you must have an appropriate attitude.

This phrase emphasizes that having the right mindset can help in overcoming challenges.

Tener una actitud adecuada puede transformar una situación difícil.

English translation of Tener una actitud adecuada puede transformar una situación difícil.

Having an appropriate attitude can transform a difficult situation.

This sentence suggests that with an appropriate attitude, one can turn a challenging situation around.

El entrenador destacó la importancia de tener una actitud adecuada durante el juego.

English translation of El entrenador destacó la importancia de tener una actitud adecuada durante el juego.

The coach stressed the importance of having an appropriate attitude during the game.

Here, 'having an appropriate attitude' is about having the right mindset required for optimal performance in a sports setting.

Necesitas tener una actitud adecuada para resolver problemas complejos.

English translation of Necesitas tener una actitud adecuada para resolver problemas complejos.

You need to have an appropriate attitude to solve complex problems.

The phrase implies that an appropriate attitude, here interpreted as a positive mindset and an open approach, can be helpful in resolving complex issues.

Para lograr tus metas, es fundamental tener una actitud adecuada.

English translation of Para lograr tus metas, es fundamental tener una actitud adecuada.

To achieve your goals, it is fundamental to have an appropriate attitude.

In this context, having the 'appropriate attitude' is about possessing a positive, goal-oriented mindset that aids in accomplishing objectives.

Un elemento crucial para el éxito es tener una actitud adecuada.

English translation of Un elemento crucial para el éxito es tener una actitud adecuada.

A crucial element for success is to have an appropriate attitude.

This sentence suggests that possessing the right mindset or attitude is an essential factor for achieving success.

Es importante tener una actitud adecuada para enfrentar los desafíos.

English translation of Es importante tener una actitud adecuada para enfrentar los desafíos.

It's important to have an appropriate attitude to face challenges.

In this context, the speaker is emphasizing the importance of having the right mindset when dealing with difficulties.

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