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tener un comportamiento exquisito

English translation of tener un comportamiento exquisito

having exquisite behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento exquisito' translates to 'having exquisite behavior' in English. This phrase is often used to describe an individual who is well-behaved, courteous and polished in their manners. It could refer to both one's professional demeanor as well as personal traits in everyday social interactions. The literal component translations of the phrase are 'tener' (to have), 'un comportamiento' (a behavior), and 'exquisito' (exquisite).

Example sentences using: tener un comportamiento exquisito

Mi hermano siempre trata de tener un comportamiento exquisito durante las reuniones familiares.

English translation of Mi hermano siempre trata de tener un comportamiento exquisito durante las reuniones familiares.

My brother always tries to have exquisite behavior at family meetings.

This sentence emphasizes the conscious effort that the speaker's brother puts into conducting himself in a refined and respectful way during family gatherings.

Para ser un buen líder, debes tener un comportamiento exquisito.

English translation of Para ser un buen líder, debes tener un comportamiento exquisito.

To be a good leader, you must have an exquisite behavior.

This sentence implies that an excellent conduct is an essential quality that a good leader should possess.

Los diplomáticos suelen tener un comportamiento exquisito.

English translation of Los diplomáticos suelen tener un comportamiento exquisito.

Diplomats usually have exquisite behavior.

This suggests that diplomats typically act with a high level of propriety, befitting their serious and representative roles.

Es importante tener un comportamiento exquisito en una entrevista de trabajo.

English translation of Es importante tener un comportamiento exquisito en una entrevista de trabajo.

It's important to have an exquisite behavior in a job interview.

This highlights the importance of good demeanor during a job interview, which can make or break an applicant's chances of getting hired.

Si quieres ser invitado de nuevo, debes tener un comportamiento exquisito.

English translation of Si quieres ser invitado de nuevo, debes tener un comportamiento exquisito.

If you want to be invited again, you must have an exquisite behavior.

This conveys that if you behave well when you're a guest somewhere, you're more likely to be invited back in the future.

A pesar de su juventud, el muchacho supo tener un comportamiento exquisito.

English translation of A pesar de su juventud, el muchacho supo tener un comportamiento exquisito.

Despite his youth, the boy knew how to have an exquisite behavior.

This sentence communicates that youth is not a hindrance to good conduct. Age does not preclude someone from behaving well.

Después de leer muchos libros, he aprendido a tener un comportamiento exquisito.

English translation of Después de leer muchos libros, he aprendido a tener un comportamiento exquisito.

After reading many books, I've learned to have an exquisite behavior.

This implies that the speaker has gained manners and refined conduct from reading a lot of books.

Es difícil tener un comportamiento exquisito cuando estás enfadado.

English translation of Es difícil tener un comportamiento exquisito cuando estás enfadado.

It's hard to have an exquisite behavior when you're angry.

This statement shows that maintaining a good demeanor can be challenging when one is upset or angry.

El príncipe siempre se esfuerza por tener un comportamiento exquisito en público.

English translation of El príncipe siempre se esfuerza por tener un comportamiento exquisito en público.

The prince always strives to have an exquisite behavior in public.

This expresses that as a part of the royal family, the prince always makes an effort to present himself well in public.

Nuestras clases de etiqueta te enseñarán a tener un comportamiento exquisito.

English translation of Nuestras clases de etiqueta te enseñarán a tener un comportamiento exquisito.

Our etiquette classes will teach you to have exquisite behavior.

This sentence implies that a class on etiquette can impart one with the skills needed to behave in a refined manner.

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