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tener tarjeta de cliente

English translation of tener tarjeta de cliente

have customer card

The Spanish phrase 'tener tarjeta de cliente' translates into English as 'have customer card'. This phrase might be used in an environment such as a store or business, where customers may have loyalty or membership cards. The verb 'tener' means 'to have', 'tarjeta' translates to 'card', and 'cliente' means 'customer'. Therefore, when someone says 'tener tarjeta de cliente', it means they possess, or they are referring to, a card associated with being a customer of a particular establishment.

Example sentences using: tener tarjeta de cliente

¿Dónde puedo usar mi tener tarjeta de cliente?

English translation of ¿Dónde puedo usar mi tener tarjeta de cliente?

Where can I use my customer card?

This sentence is typically used to inquire about the different locations or services where the customer card can be used. Here, the 'customer card' refers to a type of card issued by businesses to reward loyal customers with discounts, points, or other benefits. It is important to note that the phrase 'tener tarjeta de cliente' is relatively uncommon in Spanish and may sound awkward in some contexts.

Recuerda siempre tener tarjeta de cliente en la mano cuando vas al supermercado.

English translation of Recuerda siempre tener tarjeta de cliente en la mano cuando vas al supermercado.

Remember to always have your customer card in hand when going to the supermarket.

This sentence is a reminder that one should always carry their customer card when going to the supermarket. The 'customer card' here is a benefits card issued by the supermarket, providing benefits such as discounts or points accrual for future purchases.

Si vas a hacer una compra frecuente, lo mejor es tener tarjeta de cliente.

English translation of Si vas a hacer una compra frecuente, lo mejor es tener tarjeta de cliente.

If you are going to make frequent purchases, it is best to have a customer card.

This sentence suggests that for those who frequently shop at the same place, having a customer card can provide various savings and benefits. Here, the 'customer card' is used as an instrument of customer loyalty and retention, providing a mutually beneficial scenario for both business and consumer.

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