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tener talento interpretativo

English translation of tener talento interpretativo

to have interpretative talent

The phrase 'tener talento interpretativo' in Spanish translates to 'to have interpretative talent' in English. It refers to the ability of an individual to express or perform something, significantly a piece of art, music, drama or any other creative endeavor, in such a way that clearly conveys its intended meaning or emotion. This might include the capacity to emulate a role in a play, the skills to depict a character in a novel, or the ability to perform a piece of music in a manner that communicates the emotions the composure intended.

Example sentences using: tener talento interpretativo

Mi hermana siempre ha sabido que tiene talento interpretativo.

English translation of Mi hermana siempre ha sabido que tiene talento interpretativo.

My sister has always known that she has interpretive talent.

This phrase indicates that the speaker's sister is aware of her own abilities in interpretation, perhaps implying that she's an actress, musician, or some other kind of performer.

Aunque es modesto, Jorge tiene talento interpretativo.

English translation of Aunque es modesto, Jorge tiene talento interpretativo.

Although he's modest, Jorge has interpretive talent.

In this case, the speaker acknowledging Jorge's talent, but also pointing out that Jorge is modest about his skills, implying he does not necessarily show off or brag about his abilities.

Tienes talento interpretativo, deberías probar a audicionar para el teatro.

English translation of Tienes talento interpretativo, deberías probar a audicionar para el teatro.

You have interpretive talent, you should try auditioning for the theatre.

This is a recommendation or suggestion by the speaker to another person, implying they believe the person they're speaking to has a talent for performance that could be put to use in a theatre setting.

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