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tener molestias

English translation of tener molestias

have discomfort

The Spanish phrase 'tener molestias' translates to 'have discomfort' in English. It is used to describe a state of physical unease, generally caused by an illness or a condition. In a sentence, it can be used as 'Estoy teniendo molestias en el estómago' which means 'I am having discomfort in my stomach'. This phrase 'tener molestias' is made up of the verb 'tener' (to have) and the noun 'molestias' (discomforts).

Example sentences using: tener molestias

Si continúas teniendo molestias, deberías consultar a un médico.

English translation of Si continúas teniendo molestias, deberías consultar a un médico.

If you continue having discomfort, you should consult a doctor.

This sentence is used when advising someone who is continuously experiencing discomfort or pain to seek medical advice.

Después de correr la maratón, empecé a tener molestias en las piernas.

English translation of Después de correr la maratón, empecé a tener molestias en las piernas.

After running the marathon, I started to have discomfort in my legs.

This phrase is used to describe a situation where someone begins to feel uncomfortable or pain in their legs after participating in a physically demanding activity, such as a marathon.

Paula no vino a la fiesta porque empezó a tener molestias en el estómago.

English translation of Paula no vino a la fiesta porque empezó a tener molestias en el estómago.

Paula didn't come to the party because she started having stomach discomfort.

This sentence is used to explain why someone, in this case Paula, missed an event due to experiencing stomachache or discomfort.

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