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tener modales

English translation of tener modales

have manners

The Spanish phrase 'tener modales' translates into English as 'have manners'. This phrase refers to the act of showing polite behavior and consideration towards others in social situations. Manners are generally the rules and standards of expected conduct within a culture, helping to facilitate social interaction. So when one is said to 'tener modales', they are behaving in a pleasant and respectful manner according to social customs and norms.

Example sentences using: tener modales

Es importante tener modales en la mesa.

English translation of Es importante tener modales en la mesa.

It is important to have manners at the table.

This phrase underlines the significance of demonstrating appropriate behavior, especially while eating with others. The Spanish verb 'tener' translates to 'have' in English, and 'modales' refers to manners.

Deberías tener modales cuando hablas con las personas mayores.

English translation of Deberías tener modales cuando hablas con las personas mayores.

You should have manners when talking to older people.

The statement encourages being respectful towards elders. It suggests using polite and proper etiquette when engaging in conversation with individuals who are older.

Para tener modales, uno debe decir 'por favor' y 'gracias'.

English translation of Para tener modales, uno debe decir 'por favor' y 'gracias'.

To have manners, one must say 'please' and 'thank you'.

This phrase implies that using polite words such as 'please' and 'thank you' is a basic element of having good manners. It highlights a fundamental concept of behavioral etiquette.

Mis padres siempre me enseñaron a tener modales.

English translation of Mis padres siempre me enseñaron a tener modales.

My parents always taught me to have manners.

This sentence indicates that the speaker was taught the importance of proper etiquette by their parents. The speaker attributes their understanding of good manners to their parents' instructions.

Los niños deben aprender a tener modales desde temprana edad.

English translation of Los niños deben aprender a tener modales desde temprana edad.

Children should learn to have manners from an early age.

This emphasizes the belief that children must be taught about polite and socially acceptable behavior early in their lives to help them navigate various social settings effectively.

La gente a menudo juzga a los demás por no tener modales.

English translation of La gente a menudo juzga a los demás por no tener modales.

People often judge others for not having manners.

This sentence remarks that individuals are often evaluated based on their manners or lack thereof. It implies that a person's behavior or etiquette can influence others' perceptions of them.

A pesar de tener modales, fue criticado por su comportamiento.

English translation of A pesar de tener modales, fue criticado por su comportamiento.

Despite having manners, he was criticized for his behavior.

This sentence communicates that despite showing proper manners, the person was still criticized for their behavior. It brings out the idea that even with polite behavior, one might still face criticism depending upon other aspects of their demeanor.

Tener modales ayuda a hacer buenas primeras impresiones.

English translation of Tener modales ayuda a hacer buenas primeras impresiones.

Having manners helps to make good first impressions.

The phrase suggests that demonstrating good manners can contribute to leaving a positive first impression when interacting with new people. 'Impresiones' in Spanish translates to 'impressions' in English.

Creo que debería tener modales, incluso si estoy enojado.

English translation of Creo que debería tener modales, incluso si estoy enojado.

I think I should have manners, even if I'm angry.

This sentence suggests the speaker's belief that maintaining polite behavioral etiquette is important, even when they are upset. This demonstrates an understanding of the fact that one's emotions should not interfere with their social manners.

Tener modales no solo significa usar las palabras correctas.

English translation of Tener modales no solo significa usar las palabras correctas.

Having manners does not only mean using the right words.

The phrase conveys the idea that good manners extend beyond using correct language or speech. It implies that proper behavior involves more than just using polite words.

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