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tener mala salud

English translation of tener mala salud

having bad health

The Spanish phrase 'tener mala salud' translates to 'having bad health' in English. This phrase is used to express the current condition of someone's health which is not in good shape. The verb 'tener' means 'to have', 'mala' means 'bad' and salud stands for 'health'. Therefore, when combined together, the phrase stands for the English expression 'having bad health'.

Example sentences using: tener mala salud

Mi madre suele tener mala salud durante el invierno.

English translation of Mi madre suele tener mala salud durante el invierno.

My mother tends to have poor health during the winter.

In this sentence, 'tener mala salud' is used to describe the general state of health. This describes a tendency for the person in the subject to have poor health, often during a certain time of the year.

Después de fumar durante años, Roberto empezó a tener mala salud.

English translation of Después de fumar durante años, Roberto empezó a tener mala salud.

After smoking for years, Roberto began to have poor health.

This sentence is using 'tener mala salud' to describe the consequence of a habit (smoking in this case). The usage implies a change in the health status due to a harmful practice.

Es difícil hacer ejercicio cuando tienes mala salud.

English translation of Es difícil hacer ejercicio cuando tienes mala salud.

It's hard to exercise when you have poor health.

In this example, 'tener mala salud' is used in a context of maintaining a lifestyle. The action 'doing exercise' is directly impacted by the state of having poor health.

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