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tener los dientes sucios

English translation of tener los dientes sucios

have dirty teeth

The Spanish phrase 'tener los dientes sucios' translates to 'have dirty teeth' in English. It is typically used to describe someone who has not cleaned their teeth. In a broader context, it can be a reminder or advice for someone to maintain good oral hygiene. This phrase can be seen in both informal conversations and formal writings.

Example sentences using: tener los dientes sucios

Después de comer dulces todo el día, mi hermano pequeño suele tener los dientes sucios.

English translation of Después de comer dulces todo el día, mi hermano pequeño suele tener los dientes sucios.

After eating candies all day, my little brother usually has dirty teeth.

In this example, the phrase 'tener los dientes sucios' is used to indicate the consequence of an action. Specifically, the action of eating sweets, which often results in dirty teeth.

Es importante que los niños entiendan que si no se cepillan adecuadamente, pueden tener los dientes sucios.

English translation of Es importante que los niños entiendan que si no se cepillan adecuadamente, pueden tener los dientes sucios.

It is important for children to understand that if they do not brush properly, they can have dirty teeth.

This sentence uses 'tener los dientes sucios' to highlight a potential outcome (having dirty teeth) of not undertaking a certain behavior (proper brushing). It demonstrates the use of the phrase in providing advice or instruction.

Julia dejó de tener los dientes sucios cuando comenzó a cepillarse tres veces al día.

English translation of Julia dejó de tener los dientes sucios cuando comenzó a cepillarse tres veces al día.

Julia stopped having dirty teeth when she started brushing three times a day.

In this example, 'tener los dientes sucios' is used to describe a condition that has stopped, in this case the outcome is due to a change in daily routine which is brushing teeth three times a day.

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