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tener las manos limpios

English translation of tener las manos limpios

have clean hands

The Spanish phrase 'tener las manos limpios' translates to 'have clean hands' in English. It can be used literally to refer to the state of having physically clean hands. Alternatively, it can also be used metaphorically to imply being free from guilt or corruption, similar to the usage of the phrase in English.

Example sentences using: tener las manos limpios

Antes de comer, debes tener las manos limpios.

English translation of Antes de comer, debes tener las manos limpios.

Before eating, you should have clean hands.

This is a direct statement referencing the common etiquette of cleaning your hands prior to consuming food, in order to maintain personal health and hygiene.

Si quieres trabajar en cirugía, debes tener las manos limpios siempre.

English translation of Si quieres trabajar en cirugía, debes tener las manos limpios siempre.

If you want to work in surgery, you must always have clean hands.

This advice highlights the crucial importance of hygiene in medical sectors, particularly in surgery where infections can easily spread.

Para evitar propagar el resfriado, trata de tener las manos limpios todo el tiempo.

English translation of Para evitar propagar el resfriado, trata de tener las manos limpios todo el tiempo.

To avoid spreading the cold, try to keep your hands clean all the time.

Here, the potential consequences of not maintaining personal hygiene are communicated, in this case, the spreading of common illnesses like a cold. Hygiene, hence, is portrayed as a preventive measure.

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