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tener el pelo limpios

English translation of tener el pelo limpios

have clean hair

The Spanish phrase 'tener el pelo limpios' translates to 'have clean hair' in English. This phrase is usually used in the context of hygiene and personal grooming. In Spanish, 'tener' means 'to have', 'el pelo' means 'the hair', and 'limpios' means 'clean'. Therefore, when these words are combined, they form the phrase 'tener el pelo limpios', which English speakers would understand as 'to have clean hair'.

Example sentences using: tener el pelo limpios

Para tener el pelo limpios, debes lavarlo regularmente.

English translation of Para tener el pelo limpios, debes lavarlo regularmente.

To have clean hair, you should wash it regularly.

In this sentence, 'tener el pelo limpios' is used in the context of maintaining clean hair. Regular washing is suggested as a way to achieve this.

No puedes tener el pelo limpios si siempre lo mantienes en un ambiente polvoriento.

English translation of No puedes tener el pelo limpios si siempre lo mantienes en un ambiente polvoriento.

You can't have clean hair if you always keep it in a dusty environment.

This sentence uses 'tener el pelo limpios' while explaining the impediment to maintaining clean hair. It implies that a dusty environment can keep one from having clean hair.

Mi abuela dice que para tener el pelo limpios, tienes que usar un buen champú.

English translation of Mi abuela dice que para tener el pelo limpios, tienes que usar un buen champú.

My grandmother says that to have clean hair, you have to use a good shampoo.

The phrase 'tener el pelo limpios' is used in this sentence referring to the advice of an elder. It is mentioned that a good quality shampoo is required to maintain clean hair.

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