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tener confianza

English translation of tener confianza

to have confidence

The Spanish phrase 'tener confianza' translates to 'to have confidence' in English. It's not merely about having confidence within oneself, but it can also signify trusting or having faith in someone else. For instance, you might 'tener confianza' in a relative or friend, which means that you believe in their abilities and trust them. Therefore, it's essential to understand the context to get the precise meaning of the saying 'tener confianza' as it can vary based on the situation.

Example sentences using: tener confianza

Yo siempre intento tener confianza en mi mismo.

English translation of Yo siempre intento tener confianza en mi mismo.

I always try to have confidence in myself.

This statement implies an ongoing effort to maintain self-confidence, emphasizing the role of personal will in nurturing self-assurance.

Si quieres avanzar, tienes que tener confianza en ti mismo.

English translation of Si quieres avanzar, tienes que tener confianza en ti mismo.

If you want to move forward, you have to have confidence in yourself.

This quote underscores the connection between self-confidence and personal progress, arguing that one necessitates the other.

Para ser un buen estudiante, debes tener confianza en tus respuestas.

English translation of Para ser un buen estudiante, debes tener confianza en tus respuestas.

To be a good student, you must have confidence in your answers.

This quote suggests that part of being academically successful involves having confidence in the correctness of one's responses.

Ella siempre parece tener confianza, no importa cuán difícil sea la situación.

English translation of Ella siempre parece tener confianza, no importa cuán difícil sea la situación.

She always seems to have confidence, no matter how difficult the situation is.

This phrase describes a person who consistently displays confidence, even in the face of challenges.

Antes de realizar una presentación, es importante tener confianza en lo que vas a decir.

English translation of Antes de realizar una presentación, es importante tener confianza en lo que vas a decir.

Before making a presentation, it's important to have confidence in what you're going to say.

This sentence emphasizes the significance of self-assuredness when preparing for a speech or presentation, suggesting that having conviction enhances delivery.

Si tienes miedo de hablar en público, intenta tener confianza en tus habilidades de comunicación.

English translation of Si tienes miedo de hablar en público, intenta tener confianza en tus habilidades de comunicación.

If you're afraid of public speaking, try to have confidence in your communication skills.

This advice aims to mitigate the fear of public speaking by emphasizing the importance of having confidence in one's communication abilities.

Cuando juegas al fútbol, debes tener confianza en tu capacidad para marcar goles.

English translation of Cuando juegas al fútbol, debes tener confianza en tu capacidad para marcar goles.

When you play soccer, you should have confidence in your ability to score goals.

This sentence applies self-assurance to the realm of sports, pointing to self-belief as a pre-requisite for success on the soccer field.

Para superar tus miedos, debes tener confianza en tu capacidad para enfrentarlos.

English translation of Para superar tus miedos, debes tener confianza en tu capacidad para enfrentarlos.

To overcome your fears, you must have confidence in your ability to face them.

This statement highlights the role that self-confidence plays in overcoming personal fears, suggesting it's necessary to believe in oneself to confront fear effectively.

Necesitas tener confianza en tus habilidades para tener éxito.

English translation of Necesitas tener confianza en tus habilidades para tener éxito.

You need to have confidence in your skills to succeed.

This phrase emphasizes the importance of self-belief in achieving success, suggesting that without trust in one's abilities, success may not be attainable.

El líder debe tener confianza en su equipo.

English translation of El líder debe tener confianza en su equipo.

The leader must have confidence in his team.

This phrase highlights the significance of trust within a team dynamic, particularly on the part of a leader and their reliance on their team for shared success.

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