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tener cobertura de robo

English translation of tener cobertura de robo

coverage of theft

The term 'tener cobertura de robo' in Spanish translates to 'coverage of theft' in English. It typically refers to an insurance policy feature that provides compensation in case of theft. Coverage can encompass various events such as burglary, robbery, or any form of theft. It is an important aspect considering the potential financial impact. Insurance coverage for theft is often found in homeowners and auto insurance policies. This coverage can help to replace stolen personal property or repair damage caused by a theft incident.

Example sentences using: tener cobertura de robo

Es esencial para nuestra empresa tener cobertura de robo en el seguro.

English translation of Es esencial para nuestra empresa tener cobertura de robo en el seguro.

It is essential for our company to have theft coverage in the insurance.

This phrase indicates that it is important for a business to be insured against theft, which could be a part of their risk management strategy.

En caso de que mi celular sea robado, prefiero tener cobertura de robo.

English translation of En caso de que mi celular sea robado, prefiero tener cobertura de robo.

In case my cell phone is stolen, I prefer to have theft coverage.

Here, theft coverage refers to a hypothetical situation where a person's mobile phone might be stolen, suggesting that they have considered this contingency and chosen a coverage plan that includes theft.

Vivimos en un barrio peligroso, así que elegimos tener cobertura de robo en nuestro seguro de hogar.

English translation of Vivimos en un barrio peligroso, así que elegimos tener cobertura de robo en nuestro seguro de hogar.

We live in a dangerous neighborhood, so we chose to have theft coverage in our home insurance.

The phrase indicates that the people living in a high-crime area have chosen to protect themselves against possible losses through a specific insurance policy that covers theft.

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