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tendencia social

English translation of tendencia social

social trend

The phrase 'tendencia social' in Spanish translates to 'social trend' in English. A social trend can be understood as a pattern of change over time in the behavior, attitudes, or characteristics of a society as a whole. It reflects shifts in societal norms, values, or priorities. Just as in English, 'tendencia social' in Spanish can refer to various contexts such as fashion, economics, politics, and more, indicating a large-scale movement or direction in which society is progressing.

Example sentences using: tendencia social

A través de redes sociales, podemos ver una nueva tendencia social emergiendo.

English translation of A través de redes sociales, podemos ver una nueva tendencia social emergiendo.

Through social networks, we can see a new social trend emerging.

In this case, the sentence is about discerning a new trend in society, seen through social networks. Here, 'tendencia social' refers to the evolution of a new common thinking or trend among people in society that is apparent via social media platforms.

La tendencia social hacia la salud y el bienestar está creciendo.

English translation of La tendencia social hacia la salud y el bienestar está creciendo.

The social trend towards health and wellness is growing.

This sentence speaks about a growing trend observed in society towards matters of health and overall wellbeing. Here too, 'tendencia social' is used to indicate a shift in society's focus or common behavior, in this scenario, towards health and wellness.

La tendencia social actual favorece la responsabilidad medioambiental.

English translation of La tendencia social actual favorece la responsabilidad medioambiental.

The current social trend favors environmental responsibility.

This sentence is used to illustrate that the current social trend or common thinking among people right now is promoting or supporting environmental responsibility. The phrase 'tendencia social' or 'social trend' refers to the popular or most followed direction or thinking changing over time among society.

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