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tendencia ideológica

English translation of tendencia ideológica

ideological tendency

The Spanish term 'tendencia ideológica' translates to 'ideological tendency' in English. This refers to a common or prevailing inclination in ideology, or a person's or group's set of beliefs or principles. It is often employed within political or social contexts, indicating the predominant thought pattern that influences an individual's or group's actions or viewpoints.

Example sentences using: tendencia ideológica

La tendencia ideológica de nuestro partido político es liberal.

English translation of La tendencia ideológica de nuestro partido político es liberal.

The ideological tendency of our political party is liberal.

This phrase expresses that the general political ideology that guides the policies and actions of the mentioned political party is of a liberal nature.

Estamos estudiando la tendencia ideológica de las últimas elecciones presidenciales.

English translation of Estamos estudiando la tendencia ideológica de las últimas elecciones presidenciales.

We are studying the ideological trend of the last presidential elections.

This sentence implies that the speaker and their team are analysing the political ideologies that were predominant or influential in the most recent presidential elections.

El cambio en la tendencia ideológica del país es notorio.

English translation of El cambio en la tendencia ideológica del país es notorio.

The change in the ideological trend of the country is noticeable.

This phrase indicates that there's been a perceptible shift in the country's prevailing political ideologies or the common set of beliefs and values that drive political decision making and policy.

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