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English translation of temprano


The Spanish word 'temprano' translates to 'early' in English. It is typically used to refer to something happening in the early part of the day or before the expected time. Like in English, 'temprano' can also be used in various contexts, not just time, but also to indicate something happening before anticipated in a wider sense.

Example sentences using: temprano

Me levanto temprano en la mañana

English translation of Me levanto temprano en la mañana

I wake up early in the morning

This sentence is straightforward, explaining that the speaker wakes up early in the day. 'Me levanto' means 'I wake up', 'temprano' translates to 'early', and 'en la mañana' refers to 'in the morning'.

Tenemos que llegar temprano al aeropuerto

English translation of Tenemos que llegar temprano al aeropuerto

We have to get to the airport early

This sentence advises that 'we' should arrive early at the airport. 'Tenemos que' translates to 'we have to', 'llegar' is 'arrive' or 'get to', 'temprano' is 'early', and 'al aeropuerto' refers to 'the airport'.

Prefiero tomar mi café temprano

English translation of Prefiero tomar mi café temprano

I prefer to have my coffee early

This phrase indicates the speaker's preference for having coffee early. 'Prefiero' means 'I prefer', 'tomar' is 'to have' or 'drink', 'mi café' is 'my coffee', and 'temprano' is 'early'.

Acostarse temprano es bueno para la salud

English translation of Acostarse temprano es bueno para la salud

Going to bed early is good for your health

This sentence states that going to bed early is beneficial to health. 'Acostarse' means 'to go bed', 'temprano' is 'early', 'es bueno' translates to 'is good', and 'para la salud' refers to 'for health'.

Vamos a empezar temprano la lección

English translation of Vamos a empezar temprano la lección

We are going to start the lesson early

This phrase means that the lesson will commence earlier than usual. 'Vamos a empezar' translates to 'we are going to start', 'temprano' is 'early', and 'la lección' stands for 'the lesson'.

Es temprano para tomar una decisión

English translation of Es temprano para tomar una decisión

It's too early to make a decision

This phrase suggests that it's premature to make a decision. 'Es' means 'it's', 'temprano' is 'early' or 'too early', 'para tomar' can be translated as 'to make', and 'una decisión' is 'a decision'.

El supermercado abre temprano

English translation of El supermercado abre temprano

The supermarket opens early

This sentence indicates that the supermarket's operating hours start early. 'El supermercado' is 'the supermarket', 'abre' translates to 'opens', and 'temprano' is 'early'.

Salí temprano de la casa

English translation of Salí temprano de la casa

I left the house early

This phrase indicates the speaker left his or her home at an early time. 'Salí' means 'I left', 'temprano' is 'early', and 'de la casa' refers to 'the house'.

Hoy me desperté muy temprano

English translation of Hoy me desperté muy temprano

Today I woke up very early

This sentence indicates the speaker woke up exceptionally early on this particular day. 'Hoy' means 'today', 'me desperté' translates to 'I woke up', 'muy' stands for 'very', and 'temprano' is 'early'.

Si llegamos temprano, podemos elegir los mejores asientos

English translation of Si llegamos temprano, podemos elegir los mejores asientos

If we arrive early, we can choose the best seats

This sentence implies that arriving to an event early gives the advantage of selecting the best seats. 'Si llegamos' means 'if we arrive', 'temprano' is 'early', 'podemos' translates to 'we can', 'elegir' is 'choose', and 'los mejores asientos' are 'the best seats'.

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