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English translation of temporal


The word 'temporal' in Spanish is an adjective that translates to 'temporary' in English. It refers to something lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent. It can be used in various contexts to describe temporary situations, conditions, or states in various domains such as employment ('empleo temporal'), residence ('residencia temporal'), and weather phenomena ('fenómeno temporal').

Example sentences using: temporal

La tormenta temporal causó muchos daños en la ciudad.

English translation of La tormenta temporal causó muchos daños en la ciudad.

The temporary storm caused a lot of damage in the city.

The example demonstrates the use of 'temporal' as an adjective describing an event that is not permanent, but transitory or for a certain period of time. The storm was not a permanent part of the city's experience, but a passing event.

El rey estuvo en el poder de manera temporal mientras se tomaba una decisión definitiva.

English translation of El rey estuvo en el poder de manera temporal mientras se tomaba una decisión definitiva.

The king was temporarily in power while a final decision was being made.

This is an example of 'temporal' used as an adverb modifying the verb 'estuvo'. Here, the king's rule was not meant to last, it was intended to fill a gap until a final decision could be taken.

Los trabajadores temporales le están ayudando a la empresa a completar el proyecto.

English translation of Los trabajadores temporales le están ayudando a la empresa a completar el proyecto.

Temporary workers are helping the company complete the project.

In this sentence, 'temporal' is used as an adjective to describe workers. These are people hired for a specific period of time to help the company with a specific project, thus they are not permanent employees.

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