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temporada teatral

English translation of temporada teatral

theatrical season

The Spanish phrase 'temporada teatral' translates to 'theatrical season' in English. This term is used in reference to a particular period of the year when most theatrical productions are staged. It is similar to how sports have seasons - it's the time of the year when most plays, musicals and other theatre events occur. 'Temporada' signifies season or period, and 'teatral' indicates that it relates to theatre. So, when you hear 'temporada teatral', think of it as the theatre season or the timeframe in which you can expect to see theatrical shows and performances.

Example sentences using: temporada teatral

La nueva temporada teatral ha traído obras innovadoras.

English translation of La nueva temporada teatral ha traído obras innovadoras.

The new theatrical season has brought innovative plays.

This phrase is used to describe a fresh start to a period in theater, typically a year, where new and inventive plays are being showcased.

La temporada teatral está llena de emocionantes producciones.

English translation of La temporada teatral está llena de emocionantes producciones.

The theatrical season is filled with exciting productions.

Here this phrase emphasizes that the current period or season of theater is bustling with thrilling and enticing theatrical productions for an audience to enjoy.

Durante la temporada teatral, visitamos varios espectáculos.

English translation of Durante la temporada teatral, visitamos varios espectáculos.

During the theatrical season, we visited various shows.

This sentence implies that the individuals make it a habit of attending several shows across the duration of a theatrical season or period.

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