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temperaturas en ascenso

English translation of temperaturas en ascenso

rising temperatures

The Spanish phrase 'temperaturas en ascenso' translates into English as 'rising temperatures'. This term is commonly used in weather forecasts. This phrase is composed of two parts: 'temperaturas', which means 'temperatures', and 'en ascenso', which means 'rising' or 'in increase'. So when you see or hear 'temperaturas en ascenso' in a Spanish conversation or document, it suggests the issue of increasing, escalating, or surging temperatures.

Example sentences using: temperaturas en ascenso

Los reportes indican temperaturas en ascenso por toda la región.

English translation of Los reportes indican temperaturas en ascenso por toda la región.

Reports indicate rising temperatures throughout the region.

This sentence explains that there are reports pointing out that temperatures are increasing throughout a certain region.

El clima mañana será de temperaturas en ascenso.

English translation of El clima mañana será de temperaturas en ascenso.

Tomorrow's weather will be of rising temperatures.

This sentence suggests what the weather will be like tomorrow, specifically, it announces that the temperatures will be increasing.

Las temperaturas en ascenso hacen necesario el aire acondicionado.

English translation of Las temperaturas en ascenso hacen necesario el aire acondicionado.

Rising temperatures make air conditioning necessary.

This sentence expresses the need of air conditioning due to the hot conditions because the temperatures are increasing.

Se prevén temperaturas en ascenso para el fin de semana.

English translation of Se prevén temperaturas en ascenso para el fin de semana.

Rising temperatures are forecasted for the weekend.

This forecast predicts that there will be a rise in temperature during the weekend.

Los bomberos enfrentan temperaturas en ascenso.

English translation of Los bomberos enfrentan temperaturas en ascenso.

Firefighters are facing rising temperatures.

The sentence explains that firefighters have to deal with increasing temperatures which implies a hazardous situation.

Las temperaturas en ascenso afectan la producción de cerveza.

English translation of Las temperaturas en ascenso afectan la producción de cerveza.

Rising temperatures affect beer production.

This sentence explains that the increase in temperatures influences negatively on the beer making process.

Los cultivos son sensibles a las temperaturas en ascenso.

English translation of Los cultivos son sensibles a las temperaturas en ascenso.

Crops are sensitive to rising temperatures.

The sentence suggests that certain crops might suffer or be negatively affected if temperatures rise.

La planta no resiste temperaturas en ascenso.

English translation of La planta no resiste temperaturas en ascenso.

The plant does not resist rising temperatures.

The sentence is about a specific type of plant which can't handle a climbing temperature.

El cambio climático provoca temperaturas en ascenso.

English translation of El cambio climático provoca temperaturas en ascenso.

Climate change causes rising temperatures.

This sentence discusses the correlation between climate change and rising temperatures.

Por temperaturas en ascenso, recomiendan hidratarse más frecuentemente.

English translation of Por temperaturas en ascenso, recomiendan hidratarse más frecuentemente.

Due to rising temperatures, they recommend hydrating more frequently.

Due to hotter conditions, the recommendation is to increase the intake of fluids to prevent dehydration.

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