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temperatura variable

English translation of temperatura variable

variable temperature

The Spanish phrase 'temperatura variable' translates to 'variable temperature' in English. It's typically utilized in weather reports, scientific contexts or any situations concerning changes in temperature. The word 'temperatura' means 'temperature', and 'variable' denotes an aspect that can change or vary. Together, they refer to a temperature that is not constant and can increase or decrease.

Example sentences using: temperatura variable

La temperatura variable afecta la calidad de los vinos.

English translation of La temperatura variable afecta la calidad de los vinos.

The variable temperature affects the quality of wines.

This sentence refers to the impact that changing temperature conditions can have on the quality of wines, potentially altering their taste or preservation.

Debido a la temperatura variable, necesitará empacar ropa extra.

English translation of Debido a la temperatura variable, necesitará empacar ropa extra.

Due to the variable temperature, you will need to pack extra clothes.

This sentence advises someone to pack additional clothes due to changing weather conditions which can fluctuate frequently.

La temperatura variable puede causar estrés en las plantas.

English translation of La temperatura variable puede causar estrés en las plantas.

The variable temperature can cause stress in plants.

This sentence explains that fluctuating temperature can put plants under stress, potentially affecting their growth and development.

Es difícil acostumbrarse a la temperatura variable en esta ciudad.

English translation of Es difícil acostumbrarse a la temperatura variable en esta ciudad.

It's hard to get used to the variable temperature in this city.

This sentence expresses the challenges of acclimating to a city where the temperature changes quite frequently.

La temperatura variable puede alterar los resultados de la experimentación.

English translation of La temperatura variable puede alterar los resultados de la experimentación.

The variable temperature can alter the experimentation results.

This sentence states that fluctuating temperatures can impact scientific experiments by altering the results.

Cocinar a temperatura variable es una técnica culinaria avanzada.

English translation of Cocinar a temperatura variable es una técnica culinaria avanzada.

Cooking at a variable temperature is an advanced culinary technique.

This sentence refers to the culinary technique of cooking at different temperatures, stating that it is an advanced method.

La temperatura variable en la piscina te permite nadar todo el año.

English translation of La temperatura variable en la piscina te permite nadar todo el año.

The variable temperature in the pool allows you to swim all year round.

This sentence suggests that a pool with changing temperatures can be used for swimming throughout the year, regardless of the season.

La temperatura variable en la incubadora garantiza el crecimiento ideal de las bacterias.

English translation of La temperatura variable en la incubadora garantiza el crecimiento ideal de las bacterias.

The variable temperature within the incubator ensures ideal bacterial growth.

This sentence explains that changing temperatures within a lab incubator can ensure ideal conditions for bacterial growth.

Con la temperatura variable, será difícil predecir el clima.

English translation of Con la temperatura variable, será difícil predecir el clima.

With the variable temperature, it will be difficult to predict the weather.

This sentence suggests that fluctuating temperatures can make weather prediction challenging.

Para adaptarse a la temperatura variable, los animales cambian su comportamiento.

English translation of Para adaptarse a la temperatura variable, los animales cambian su comportamiento.

To adapt to the variable temperature, animals change their behaviour.

This sentence states that animals often alter their behavior to adapt to changing temperature conditions.

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