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temperatura estable

English translation of temperatura estable

stable temperature

The Spanish phrase 'temperatura estable' translates to 'stable temperature' in English. This term is commonly used in meteorological contexts when speaking about weather conditions that aren't experiencing significant changes over a certain period of time. It can also be used in various scientific fields, such as physics and chemistry, to describe a condition where temperature is maintained at a constant level.

Example sentences using: temperatura estable

La temperatura inestable puede causar resfriados.

English translation of La temperatura inestable puede causar resfriados.

Unstable temperature can cause colds.

This sentence indicates that constant changes in temperature may lead to an increased likelihood of catching a cold.

Este clima tiene una temperatura inestable.

English translation of Este clima tiene una temperatura inestable.

This weather has an unstable temperature.

This sentence is used to describe weather that fluctuates often, referring to its temperature as unstable.

La temperatura estable es necesaria para el experimento.

English translation of La temperatura estable es necesaria para el experimento.

A stable temperature is necessary for the experiment.

This sentence emphasizes the requirement of a constant temperature for a specific scientific experiment.

Quiero un control de temperatura estable para mi casa.

English translation of Quiero un control de temperatura estable para mi casa.

I want a stable temperature control for my home.

The speaker wishes for a temperature control system that maintains a constant temperature in their home.

La temperatura estable en el aula beneficia al aprendizaje.

English translation of La temperatura estable en el aula beneficia al aprendizaje.

The stable temperature in the classroom benefits learning.

This point suggests that an environment with a constant temperature enhances the learning process in a classroom.

La temperatura inestable afecta el crecimiento de las plantas.

English translation of La temperatura inestable afecta el crecimiento de las plantas.

Unstable temperature affects the growth of plants.

The sentence expresses the detrimental effects that fluctuating temperatures can have on plant growth.

El pronóstico indica una temperatura inestable para mañana.

English translation of El pronóstico indica una temperatura inestable para mañana.

The forecast indicates an unstable temperature for tomorrow.

This refers to a weather forecast predicting temperature variations for the next day.

La temperatura estable facilita la conservación de alimentos.

English translation of La temperatura estable facilita la conservación de alimentos.

A stable temperature facilitates food preservation.

This underlines the importance of maintaining a constant temperature for effective food storage.

Una temperatura inestable puede estresar a las mascotas.

English translation of Una temperatura inestable puede estresar a las mascotas.

An unstable temperature can stress pets.

This implies that constant temperature fluctuations might cause discomfort or stress to pets.

La temperatura estable del lago permite la vida acuática allí.

English translation of La temperatura estable del lago permite la vida acuática allí.

The stable temperature of the lake allows aquatic life there.

This statement affirms that a stable temperature in a lake could support the survival of aquatic organisms.

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