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temperatura elevada

English translation of temperatura elevada

elevated temperature

The Spanish term 'temperatura elevada' translates to 'elevated temperature' in English. This term is often used in various contexts like medical (to describe a high body temperature commonly known as a fever), weather (to describe high atmospheric temperatures), and scientific (to describe high temperature conditions in experiments). With its root words 'temperatura' meaning temperature and 'elevada' meaning elevated, it describes a state of higher than usual or expected temperature.

Example sentences using: temperatura elevada

La temperatura elevada es un indicador de fiebre.

English translation of La temperatura elevada es un indicador de fiebre.

The high temperature is an indicator of fever.

This sentence illustrates how 'temperatura elevada' might be used in the context of health to indicate someone might have a fever.

El cilindro tiene una temperatura elevada después de estar en funcionamiento durante un largo periodo de tiempo.

English translation of El cilindro tiene una temperatura elevada después de estar en funcionamiento durante un largo periodo de tiempo.

The cylinder has a high temperature after being in operation for a long period of time.

In this scenario, 'temperatura elevada' is referred to indicate the condition of a machine after prolonged use.

El cambio climático puede llevar a una temperatura elevada.

English translation of El cambio climático puede llevar a una temperatura elevada.

Climate change can lead to a high temperature.

In this context, 'temperatura elevada' refers to the overall temperature of the Earth as a result of climate change.

Un ambiente de temperatura elevada no es saludable para los niños pequeños.

English translation of Un ambiente de temperatura elevada no es saludable para los niños pequeños.

A high-temperature environment is not healthy for young children.

This sentence uses 'temperatura elevada' to speak about conditions which may not be healthy for children.

Evitar la exposición a la temperatura elevada puede ayudar a prevenir la deshidratación.

English translation of Evitar la exposición a la temperatura elevada puede ayudar a prevenir la deshidratación.

Avoiding exposure to high temperature can help prevent dehydration.

In this case, 'temperatura elevada' is indicating a risk factor for dehydration.

La temperatura elevada de la comida puedes hacerla más segura para comer.

English translation of La temperatura elevada de la comida puedes hacerla más segura para comer.

The high temperature of the food can make it safer to eat.

This sentence refers to the need of certain foods to reach a 'temperatura elevada' to kill potential harmful bacteria.

La temperatura elevada del horno es necesaria para cocinar la pizza.

English translation of La temperatura elevada del horno es necesaria para cocinar la pizza.

The high temperature of the oven is necessary to cook the pizza.

This example uses 'temperatura elevada' to describe the conditions necessary for cooking certain dishes.

El verano trae consigo una temperatura elevada.

English translation of El verano trae consigo una temperatura elevada.

Summer brings with it a high temperature.

In this phrase, 'temperatura elevada' is used to describe typical weather conditions during the summer months.

La temperatura elevada del reactor nuclear es algo preocupante.

English translation of La temperatura elevada del reactor nuclear es algo preocupante.

The high temperature of the nuclear reactor is worrying.

In this sentence, 'temperatura elevada' is used to describe a dangerous situation in the context of nuclear energy maintenance.

La temperatura elevada del agua de la ducha puede causar quemaduras.

English translation of La temperatura elevada del agua de la ducha puede causar quemaduras.

The high temperature of the shower water can cause burns.

This example uses 'temperatura elevada' to indicate a hazard while using hot water in the shower.

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