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tarjeta gráfica

English translation of tarjeta gráfica

graphics card

The term 'tarjeta gráfica' in Spanish refers to a 'graphics card' in English. This is a piece of computer hardware that produces the image you see on a monitor. The graphics card does this by converting data into a signal that your monitor can understand. This role of graphic cards makes them a very vital component in computers, especially for tasks that involve graphic-intensive activities such as gaming, video editing, and graphics design.

Example sentences using: tarjeta gráfica

Necesito actualizar mi tarjeta gráfica para jugar este juego.

English translation of Necesito actualizar mi tarjeta gráfica para jugar este juego.

I need to upgrade my graphic card to play this game.

The sentence is expressing a need (necessito) for a task/action to happen - to upgrade (actualizar) the graphic card in order to play a game.

La tarjeta gráfica de mi computadora es demasiado antigua.

English translation of La tarjeta gráfica de mi computadora es demasiado antigua.

The graphic card of my computer is too old.

This sentence is referring to the graphic card of the speaker's computer and describing it as too old (demasiado antigua), implying that it may not work as efficiently as needed.

¿Tu tarjeta gráfica puede soportar este software?

English translation of ¿Tu tarjeta gráfica puede soportar este software?

Can your graphic card support this software?

In this sentence, the speaker is asking a question about the capability of someone else's graphic card to support or run a specific software.

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