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taller de electricidad

English translation of taller de electricidad

electricity workshop

The Spanish term 'taller de electricidad' translates to 'electricity workshop' in English. This phrase might refer to a place where electrical items are produced, repaired or tested. It can also mean a specific class, course or program designed to teach people about electricity and how to handle electrical components and equipment safely and effectively. Like a physical space for practical learning and activities related to electronics, electrical circuits, mechanisms and more.

Example sentences using: taller de electricidad

Mañana iremos al taller de electricidad para reparar la lámpara.

English translation of Mañana iremos al taller de electricidad para reparar la lámpara.

Tomorrow we will go to the electrical workshop to repair the lamp.

In this sentence, the speakers are planning to visit the 'electrical workshop' the following day in order to repair a lamp. The location 'electrical workshop' is directly linked with a specific action - the repair of the lamp.

El taller de electricidad fue cerrado por falta de cumplimiento de las normas de seguridad.

English translation of El taller de electricidad fue cerrado por falta de cumplimiento de las normas de seguridad.

The electrical workshop was closed due to non-compliance with safety regulations.

This sentence refers to an electrical workshop being closed as a result of not abiding by set safety regulations. The not complying with safety rules led the workshop to this negative situation.

El curso en el taller de electricidad realmente me ayudó a mejorar mis habilidades.

English translation of El curso en el taller de electricidad realmente me ayudó a mejorar mis habilidades.

The course at the electrical workshop really helped me to improve my skills.

The phrase implies that the speaker has taken a course at the electrical workshop and found it valuable in enhancing their skills. Here, the speaker is expressing gratitude towards the workshop for the knowledge gained.

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