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English translation of sueño


The word 'sueño' in Spanish translates to 'dream' in English. It can be used in the same manner as in English - to indicate the series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. It can also refer to an aspiration or goal that a person would like to achieve in their lifetime.

Example sentences using: sueño

El sueño de mi vida es viajar por el mundo.

English translation of El sueño de mi vida es viajar por el mundo.

The dream of my life is to travel the world.


Tengo sueño.

English translation of Tengo sueño.

I am sleepy.

This phrase uses the word 'sueño' to express a state of feeling. In this case, the speaker is expressing that they feel sleepy.

Anoche tuve un sueño extraño.

English translation of Anoche tuve un sueño extraño.

Last night I had a strange dream.

In this example, 'sueño' is used to represent a dream that the speaker had. Describing a dream as 'extraño' means it was strange, unusual or bizarre to them.

Voy a tomar una siesta porque tengo mucho sueño.

English translation of Voy a tomar una siesta porque tengo mucho sueño.

I'm going to take a nap because I'm very sleepy.

This phrase uses 'sueño' to denote tiredness leading to the need for a nap. When you're expressing a high degree of something in Spanish, you can use 'mucho'.

¿Tuviste un buen sueño?

English translation of ¿Tuviste un buen sueño?

Did you have a good sleep?

In this context, 'sueño' is used to ask about someone's sleep. This is a common phrase to ask how someone has rested.

El sueño de Martin Luther King cambió el mundo.

English translation of El sueño de Martin Luther King cambió el mundo.

Martin Luther King's dream changed the world.

In this sentence, 'sueño' represents a figurative dream, referring to Martin Luther King’s vision for racial equality. This shows 'sueño' can also refer to an individual's ideals.

No puedo concentrarme, el sueño me está venciendo.

English translation of No puedo concentrarme, el sueño me está venciendo.

I can't concentrate, sleepiness is defeating me.

Here, 'sueño' denotes tiredness overpowering the speaker to the point where they find it difficult to focus.

Mis sueños siempre han sido muy vívidos.

English translation of Mis sueños siempre han sido muy vívidos.

My dreams have always been very vivid.

'Sueño' in this instance refers to the mental images and emotions occurring during sleep, essentially dreams we experience when asleep, which are described as being particularly vivid.

El niño se fue a la cama temprano porque tenía sueño.

English translation of El niño se fue a la cama temprano porque tenía sueño.

The child went to bed early because he was sleepy.

In this sentence, 'sueño' is used to describe the child's state of tiredness that led him to go to bed early.

Ella sigue sus sueños sin importar lo que digan los demás.

English translation of Ella sigue sus sueños sin importar lo que digan los demás.

She follows her dreams no matter what others say.

Here, 'sueño' symbolizes aspirations or personal desires, underlining the speaker's determination to pursue them regardless of others' opinions.

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