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suelo húmedo

English translation of suelo húmedo

Wet soil

The Spanish phrase 'suelo húmedo' translates to 'wet soil' in English. It is a compound term made up of two words. 'Suelo' is the Spanish word for 'soil' and 'húmedo' is the Spanish word for 'wet'. These sorts of phrases are useful in a variety of contexts. For instance, you could use it when speaking about gardening, farming, or even when describing the weather or nature. Understanding both individual words and combined phrases is useful for better understanding of Spanish.

Example sentences using: suelo húmedo

Desde mi ventana, puedo ver el suelo húmedo después de la lluvia.

English translation of Desde mi ventana, puedo ver el suelo húmedo después de la lluvia.

From my window, I can see the wet ground after the rain.

This sentence is observing the surroundings after a rain event, focusing on the wet ground.

El suelo húmedo es perfecto para plantar las semillas.

English translation of El suelo húmedo es perfecto para plantar las semillas.

The wet ground is perfect for planting the seeds.

In this sentence, the condition of the ground is emphasized, stating that is perfect for a certain action, in this case, planting seeds.

Ten cuidado al caminar, el suelo húmedo puede ser resbaladizo.

English translation of Ten cuidado al caminar, el suelo húmedo puede ser resbaladizo.

Be careful when walking, the wet ground can be slippery.

This sentence is a warning about a potential hazard, the wet and potentially slippery ground, advising caution when walking.

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