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English translation of suelo


In Spanish, 'suelo' is used to refer to the surface of the earth or floor. This term is commonly used in outdoor settings and can also denote 'ground' in electrical contexts. It may also be used metaphorically, like in English, to imply a basis or foundation.

Example sentences using: suelo

Ella suelo visitar a sus abuelos los fines de semana.

English translation of Ella suelo visitar a sus abuelos los fines de semana.

She usually visits her grandparents on weekends.

In this context, 'suelo' is used to convey a habitual action, meaning that she customarily visits her grandparents on weekends.

Nosotros no solemos comer carne los lunes.

English translation of Nosotros no solemos comer carne los lunes.

We do not usually eat meat on Mondays.

Here, the verb 'suelo' in the negative form 'no solemos' is used to express a habit or something we usually do not do, in this case eating meat.

¿Tú sueles levantarte temprano?

English translation of ¿Tú sueles levantarte temprano?

Do you usually get up early?

The verb 'suelo' is used to form questions about habits. '¿Tú sueles levantarte temprano?' is asking if you have the habit of getting up early.

Mi hermano suele llegar tarde a casa.

English translation of Mi hermano suele llegar tarde a casa.

My brother usually comes home late.

The word 'suele' is used to describe a habitual or usual action. In the given sentence, 'Mi hermano suele llegar tarde a casa' suggests that it is a routine for the brother to come home late.

Ellos suelen salir a correr después de trabajar.

English translation of Ellos suelen salir a correr después de trabajar.

They usually go out for a run after work.

In this sentence, 'suelen' is used to express a common action they do after work, which is going out for a run.

¿Usted suele almorzar a las 2pm?

English translation of ¿Usted suele almorzar a las 2pm?

Do you usually have lunch at 2pm?

In this case, 'suele' is used in a question about time of a routine action, which is having lunch. It's translated as 'usually' and it's used to ask about usual activities.

Ella suele leer antes de ir a la cama.

English translation of Ella suele leer antes de ir a la cama.

She usually reads before going to bed.

This sentence uses 'suele' to describe a habitual action that happens before something else, in this case, reading before going to bed.

Nosotros solemos ir al cine los viernes.

English translation of Nosotros solemos ir al cine los viernes.

We usually go to the cinema on Fridays.

The verb 'solemos' is used to refer to an action that we generally do on a specific day of the week, in this instance that is going to cinema on Fridays.

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