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subir(se) a una moto

English translation of subir(se) a una moto

get on a motorcycle

The phrase 'subir(se) a una moto' in Spanish is translated as 'get on a motorcycle' in English. It refers to the action of getting onto a motorcycle, implying the intention to ride it. This phrase can be used literally, when someone actually gets on a motorcycle, or figuratively, to indicate the start of a new endeavor or adventure that could be as thrilling or risky as riding a motorcycle.

Example sentences using: subir(se) a una moto

Cada día, Juan se sube a una moto para ir a trabajar.

English translation of Cada día, Juan se sube a una moto para ir a trabajar.

Every day, Juan gets on a motorcycle to go to work.

In this example, Juan has a daily routine of getting on his motorcycle to commute to his work. The verb 'sube' is the third person present tense of 'subir(se)', indicating the action of getting on or mounting a motorcycle.

Después de subirse a una moto, Maria se pone el casco.

English translation of Después de subirse a una moto, Maria se pone el casco.

After getting on a motorcycle, Maria puts on her helmet.

In this example, the action of Maria getting on her motorcycle precedes another action: Maria putting on her helmet. The implication here is that Maria is demonstrating safety by wearing a helmet only after she has gotten on her motorcycle.

Antes de subir a una moto, debes verificar que esté en buen estado.

English translation of Antes de subir a una moto, debes verificar que esté en buen estado.

Before getting on a motorcycle, you must make sure that it is in good condition.

In this example, a prerequisite action of checking the condition of the motorcycle is provided before the action of getting on it. Here, the use of 'subir' is in an advisory or prescriptive context, giving instructions about what should be done before getting on a motorcycle.

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