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subir(se) a un tren

English translation of subir(se) a un tren

get on a train

The Spanish phrase 'subir(se) a un tren' translates to 'get on a train' in English. This is often used when talking about methods of transportation, specifically in the context of boarding a train. It provides indication about an action taken by person(s) to enter into a train in order to travel from one place to another. This verb phrase is commonly utilized in daily conversation and travel-related contexts.

Example sentences using: subir(se) a un tren

La gente tenía prisa para subirse a un tren en la estación.

English translation of La gente tenía prisa para subirse a un tren en la estación.

People were in a hurry to get on a train at the station.

This sentence uses 'subirse a un tren' to describe the action of individuals climbing onto a train. It highlights a common situation seen at train stations, especially during peak hours.

Antes de subir a un tren, siempre comprobo el horario.

English translation of Antes de subir a un tren, siempre comprobo el horario.

Before getting on a train, I always check the schedule.

In this example, the speaker uses 'subir a un tren' in conjunction with a habitual action they perform (checking the schedule). The use of 'antes de' (before) establishes a sequence of events.

Los niños estaban emocionados por subirse a un tren por primera vez.

English translation of Los niños estaban emocionados por subirse a un tren por primera vez.

The children were excited to get on a train for the first time.

This sentence portrays 'subirse a un tren' happening in a positive context. The excitement of the children adds an emotional aspect to the action of getting on a train, emphasizing it as a new experience for them.

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