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subir(se) a un coche

English translation of subir(se) a un coche

get in a car

The Spanish phrase 'subir(se) a un coche' translates to 'get in a car' in English. This is a verb phrase that is frequently used in everyday conversations, where 'subir(se)' plays a role of a verb referring to the act of entering or boarding, and 'un coche' is a noun that denotes a car or an automobile. To illustrate its use in a sentence, 'Voy a subirme a un coche' translates to 'I am going to get in a car' in English.

Example sentences using: subir(se) a un coche

Voy a subirme a un coche para llegar a tiempo a la reunión.

English translation of Voy a subirme a un coche para llegar a tiempo a la reunión.

I am going to get in a car to arrive on time for the meeting.

The given phrase illustrates the use of 'subir(se) a un coche' (get in a car) in a context where the speaker needs to hurry to an appointment.

Ella prefiere subirse a un coche a caminar bajo la lluvia.

English translation of Ella prefiere subirse a un coche a caminar bajo la lluvia.

She prefers to get in a car rather than walk in the rain.

In this example, 'subir(se) a un coche' is used to express a preference over another inconvenient option, which is to walk under the rain.

Hay que subirse a un coche para apreciar la belleza del paisaje.

English translation of Hay que subirse a un coche para apreciar la belleza del paisaje.

One has to get in a car to appreciate the beauty of the landscape.

This sentence implies that 'subir(se) a un coche' is necessary for a specific purpose, in this case to enjoy a beautiful landscape.

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