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subir(se) a un autobús

English translation of subir(se) a un autobús

get on a bus

The Spanish phrase 'subir(se) a un autobús' translates to 'get on a bus' in English. It's used when you want to express the action of boarding or entering a bus. The verb 'subir' means 'to ascend' or 'to go up', but when used in this context, it refers to the act of boarding a vehicle. The '(se)' in 'subir(se)' is a reflexive pronoun and it's optional in this context. The phrase 'a un autobús' means 'a bus'. So, if you're telling someone how you're going to travel, you'd say 'Voy a subir a un autobús', which means 'I am going to get on a bus'.

Example sentences using: subir(se) a un autobús

Ana va a subirse a un autobús para ir al centro.

English translation of Ana va a subirse a un autobús para ir al centro.

Ana is going to get on a bus to go downtown.

In this sentence, 'subirse a un autobús' is used to express that Ana is going to enter or board a bus. The verb 'subir(se)' is reflective, indicating that the subject is performing the action to themselves.

Tienes que subirte a un autobús para llegar a la universidad.

English translation of Tienes que subirte a un autobús para llegar a la universidad.

You have to get on a bus to get to the university.

In this example, 'subirte a un autobús' is an instruction or suggestion, indicating that one must board a bus in order to reach their destination, which is the university in this case.

Una vez que llegues a la estación, necesitas subirte a un autobús.

English translation of Una vez que llegues a la estación, necesitas subirte a un autobús.

Once you get to the station, you need to get on a bus.

This sentence uses 'subirte a un autobús' to provide direction or instruction. It implies that upon reaching the station, the subject's next action should be to board a bus.

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