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subir la marea

English translation of subir la marea

up the tide

The Spanish phrase 'subir la marea' translates to 'up the tide' in English. In a more contextual sense, it signifies increasing or intensifying the tide, which is a common term in maritime terms. This phrase can also be used metaphorically in many contexts to suggest the intensification of an issue or situation.

Example sentences using: subir la marea

Si no detenemos el calentamiento global, va a subir la marea.

English translation of Si no detenemos el calentamiento global, va a subir la marea.

If we don't stop global warming, the tide will rise.

This sentence is used to talk about the consequence of global warming, which is the rise of sea levels.

Cuando sube la marea, los barcos pueden entrar al puerto.

English translation of Cuando sube la marea, los barcos pueden entrar al puerto.

When the tide comes in, the boats can enter the harbor.

This sentence describes a natural phenomenon where high tides allow boats to easily navigate into harbors.

No podemos construir la casa tan cerca de la playa, porque sube la marea.

English translation of No podemos construir la casa tan cerca de la playa, porque sube la marea.

We cannot build the house so close to the beach, because the tide rises.

This sentence is talking about the caution necessary when building houses near the beach, due to the risk of high tides.

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